On The Move! Never before seen piece of British pop music memorabilia to go under the hammer

A never before seen piece of British pop music history will be offered for sale at Fielding’s Auctioneers in our Collectors Auction on

May 18th/19th. It is a scrapbook of behind the scenes personal photographs, fliers,

promotional cards and newspaper cuttings recording the progress of the Birmingham pop band The Move from their lead singer Carl

Wayne’s early days as Carl Wayne and The Vikings through to their hit record Flowers in the Rain, which was the first chart song ever

played on BBC Radio One in September 1967.



The scrapbook was compiled by Pauline Evans, who was Carl Wayne’s partner and later fiancé between 1962 and 1968. Pauline ran

The Move fan club full-time from her home in Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham. She answered the thousands of letters and requests for

autographs that arrived from fans of The Move from across the world, wrote the fan club’s monthly newsletter and had personal

behind the scenes access to the band.


The Move formed in 1965 with original members Carl Wayne, Roy Wood, Bev Bevan, Ace Kefford and Trevor Burton. The original line-

up changed in the early 1970s when Roy Wood and Bev Bevan were joined by Jeff Lynne. Bev and Jeff went on to international pop stardom as the

Electric Light Orchestra. Roy Wood went on to achieve global fame with the band Wizzard.


The scrapbook also contains Carl Wayne’s personal copy of a satirical promotional cartoon postcard depicting Prime Minister Harold Wilson in bed with

his secretary which was part of a promotional campaign

devised by the band’s Manager Tony Secunda for the single Flowers in the Rain. Wilson sued the band for libel, they lost the court case and they

apologised to the Prime Minister through Counsel at the High Court. All royalties for Flowers in the Rain were then awarded to

charities of Harold Wilson’s choice in perpetuity. Carl Wayne’s own copy of the cartoon postcard and his personal copy of the court papers are included in

the scrapbook.


 Dr Sally Hoban, a historian of Birmingham’s popular music culture, said: “This is a fantastic piece of never before seen British and Birmingham pop music

history. The Move were a highly influential band whose unique and iconic

psychedelic songs helped to define the late 1960s sound of Britain’s popular music as a whole. Birmingham has a thriving and vibrant history of music

culture and this scrapbook is a wonderful and unique piece of this history.’


Will Farmer, Director at Fieldings Auctioneers said: ‘This is such an exciting slice of pop history from the golden era in British music. The Birmingham

scene was a hot bed of creativity and this rare and unique archive offers a fan of late 1960s music scene a chance to own the record of one of the most

controversial news stories of the day!’


The scrap album carriers a pre-sale auction estimate of £1000 to £1500.



For further media information contact Will Farmer at Fielding’s



Email – will@fieldingsauctioneers.co.uk

Tel – 01384 444140





Posted on 17 May 2023 in: Auction life

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